Apex Capital UK

Apex Capital UK

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The trusted joint venture and co-investment partner of choice for Middle Eastern investors seeking to explore Shariah-compliant investments in the UK & European real estate markets.

Apex Capital Investment Corporation UK & Europe has extensive experience working in the Middle East while developing deep relationships with many investors over more than 20 years. 

All investments go through a rigorous underwriting process and require approval from the company's internal Investment Committee and Shariah scholars.

The company is committed to delivering best-in-class advice and working with partners to generate strong investment returns.

Executive Team

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Andrew Yeandle
Chief Executive Officer
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James Gann
Head of Acquisitions
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Chloé Lindley
Head of Operations
Apex Capital US

Apex Capital US

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Founded in 2019, the company is headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. It offers clients and potential investors an alternative financial solution to stock and bonds as it offers diversification as well as a different return profile.

APEX Capital Investments Corporation US was established to provide our clients with the opportunity to participate in a broad range of real estate investments in the United States. Its vision is to deliver unique opportunities while offering high services for clients interested in investing in both the US and abroad while adhering to the highest professional standards and corporate governance. 

The company’s investments include an array of different real estate property types including office buildings, hotels, warehouses, and retail and office space. Apex Capital US properties offer unique characteristics that direct how the property is managed and its expected level of return. APEX’s investments generate superior, low-volatility, absolute returns, while simultaneously maintaining strategic diversity.

Executive Team

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John Gaghan
Chief Executive Officer
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Sarge Fanning
Senior Vice President
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Mark Margolis
Vice President Acquisitions
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Bryan Tuohy